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Serves: 4

No cooking time
Total time: 1 minutes
Additional time: Yield: 4 appetizer servings

This light and refreshing starter perks up the palate for whatever's to come. I think the citrus tang tastes best in summer, but you can use this recipe year-round, as long as the tuna you buy is the very best quality available.


  • grapefruit sorbet:
    1/2 cup fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice
    1/2 cup water
    1/2 cup ginger, minced (if you can find the pickled variety, use that)
    1/4 cup sugar
    1 Tablespoons horseradish
    grapefruit vinaigrette:

    4 large grapefruit segments
    4 Tablespoons fresh cilantro leaves
    1 Tablespoon ginger, minced (again, try to find pickled)
    1 Tablespoon champagne vinegar
    1 jalapeno, minced
    1/4 Teaspoon horseradish

    For the tartare:
    3/4 pounds tuna
    2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
    Pinch of salt


  • Make grapefruit sorbet:
    Combine all ingredients in an ice cream maker and process until firm.

    Make grapefruit vinaigrette:
    Crush grapefruit segments, then add other ingredients, including salt and pepper to taste.

    For the tartare:
    Chop the tuna coarsely, then, in a chilled metal bowl, combine it with the oil and salt.
    To Assemble:
    Pour the grapefruit vinaigrette over the tuna, toss lightly, and mold the mixture onto the center of a plate.
    At Mantra, we garnish the plate with cucumbers in yogurt and marinated radishes, but feel free to add any cold salad fixings.Top with a melon ball-sized scoop of sorbet.
    For an upscale touch, put a teaspoon of osetra caviar on top to finish.
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Tuna tartare with grapefruit vinaigrette and sorbet

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