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Serves: 4
Total time:  1 hour 10 minutes


  • For the sauce:
    1 1/3 cups sugar
    1/2 cup water
    1 cup whipping cream
    1 teaspoon Calvados
    4 small bartlet pears, peeled (About 5 oz each)
    4 teaspoons red currant jelly
    1 pound puff pastry sheets
    1 egg yolk, beaten for glaze
    Vanilla ice cream (optional)


  • For the sauce:
    Stir sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves.
    Increase heat and boil until syrup turns deep-amber color. Remove from heat.
    Carefully stir in cream (mixture will bubble vigorously). Cool. Stir in calvados. (can be made 1 or 2 days ahead.) Cover and chill.
    For pears:
    Cut off top of 1½ inches from stem end of the pears and reserve.
    Core each pear through top, leaving bottom intact. Spoon 1 teaspoon jelly into hole of each pear. Replace stem end.
    Roll out puff pastry about ¼ inch thick. Cut out 4 8-inch rounds and 4 2-inch rounds.
    Place pear in center of each 8-inch pastry round. Gather pastry around each pear and pinch pastry to hold in place. Brush pastry with egg glaze.
    Make hole in center of each 2-inch pastry round. Fit 1 round over stem of each pear to form top.
    Press firmly against pastry bottom to seal.
    Brush pastry top with egg glaze. Cut out 4 small leaves from pastry scraps. Brush with egg and place 1 leaf just below stem of each pear.
    Refrigerate for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter baking sheet.
    Place pears on sheet and bake until pastry is golden brown, about 25 min.
    Rewarm caramel sauce, stirring frequently. Spoon sauce over 4 plates.
    Place hot pear in center of each plate. Serve with scoops of vanilla ice cream if desired.
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