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Serves: 6

Serves: 6
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Total time:  1 hour


  • 1 teaspoon + 1/2 cup olive oil
    1 cup finely diced red onion
    2 teaspoons minced fresh thyme
    to taste salt and freshly ground pepper
    2 cups chicken stock
    3/4 cup red burgundy wine
    1 tablespoon canned tomato puree
    2 cloves garlic
    1 bouquet garni
    1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
    3 whole boneless chicken breasts, skin on
    1 tablespoon coarsely cracked black pepper
    1 teaspoon corn oil


  • Heat 1 teaspoon olive oil in small sauté pan.
    Add the onion. Saute until well browned and caramelized. Stir in thyme, salt and pepper. Set aside.
    Combine stock, wine, tomato puree, garlic, and sachet (see note below).
    Bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer 25 minutes or until liquid is reduced to 3/4 cup.
    Remove from heat and discard sachet. Pour liquid into a heat proof bowl. Allow to slightly cool. Alternately whisk in 1/2 cup olive oil and vinegar until emulsified.
    Stir in caramelized onion. Keep warm in top half of double-boiler over hot water until ready to serve.
    Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Split chicken in half and trim off any cartilage or bone.
    Generously season with salt and cracked pepper. Heat corn oil in large oven proof saute pan. When hot , add chicken, skin side down. Cook for 5 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and place over low heat. Add the vinaigrette and baste to coat. When well coated and cooked, serve with vinaigrette served over top.

    bunch of parsley stems about the size of your little finger, 10 peppercorns, 1 teaspoon dried thyme, and 2 bay leaves tied in cheesecloth bag.
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