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Serves: 4

Serves: 4
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Total time:  1 hour


  • 1 large (3 pounds) whole chicken, cut into eight pieces
    2 cups flour
    2 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 teaspoon onion powder
    1/2 teaspoon dry thyme
    2 eggs
    2 cups of milk
    Canola oil for frying


  • Thoroughly wash the chicken pieces and reserve on paper towel to dry.
    Combine the flour with half (one teaspoon) of the salt and place in a large bowl and reserve.
    Combine all remaining dry spices and herbs in a small bowl. Season chicken pieces and mix well.
    In a separate bowl combine the two eggs with the milk and whisk. Dip the chicken in the milk and egg mixture and then into the flour.
    Repeat and reserve the chicken pieces.
    Using a deep fryer or a large cast iron pan with high sides, fill the pan until it is almost half filled with the oil.
    Heat the pan over medium high.
    Place 4 pieces of the chicken into the pan and let them cook for 6 to 8 minutes. Turn the chicken over and cook another 6 - 10 minutes or until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees. Remove the chicken and reserve.
    Fry the last four pieces of chicken in the same manner. Serve the chicken warm.
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