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Serves: 6
Total time:  1 hour 45 minutes


  • 12 dried pitted prunes
    1 2-pound boneless pork loin roast
    salt and pepper to taste
    1/4 cup olive oil
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary or 1 tablespoon dried
    2 tablespoons chopped garlic
    1 tablespoon chopped ginger
    2 cups sliced onions
    1 1/2 cups brown sauce


  • In a medium bowl, cover prunes with boiling water and let stand for one hour.
    Run a knife through the center of the loin of pork to make a pocket for the prunes. Drain prunes; insert throughout the loin. Tie the loin with string to maintain its shape. Season with salt and pepper.
    Rub the loin with oil, rosemary, garlic and ginger. Preheat oven to 350 °F. Transfer pork to a roasting pan; Roast until thermometer inserted into center registers 150 degrees, about 55 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes.
    Make gravy with pork drippings, adding water and brown sauce mix.
    Slice pork; arrange on platter. Drizzle some sauce over. Serve, passing extra sauce separately.

    Note: Add some pork bones to the loin while roasting. And use the bones to make the gravy.
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