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Total time: 45 minutes
Additional time: Makes 3 or 4 10-inch pizza crusts


  • 2 c. chickpea flour
    1 tsp. salt
    1 tsp. cumin
    1⅓ c. water
    3 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil
    2 tsp. dried oregano
    ½ tsp. garlic powder


  • Mix all the ingredients in a large mixing bowl. You'll end up with a very lumpy batter (not a stretchy dough, don't worry!).
    Cover and allow to rest overnight on the counter top. (Note: Best soaking practice is to leave out the salt and incorporate it the following day.) You should find that by the next day, the lumps have all worked themselves out, which is handy.
    When ready to make the pizzas, heat 1-2 cast iron skillets over medium heat for at least 5 minutes to get the cooking surface nice and hot.
    Prepare all your toppings for efficiency.
    Preheat broiler to high (or low, see below).
    Add a little oil of your choice to the skillet.
    Pour a thin layer (about ⅔-1 cup) evenly into the skillet, tilting it if necessary or using the back of a ladle to spread out the batter to the edges. Thinner crusts are tastier and crispier.
    Cook 1-2 minutes until browned on the bottom – it will bubble on the top a lot like pancakes when it's ready to flip.
    Flip and cook 1-2 minutes more. For extra crispy crust, flip two more times to really brown it without burning.
    Remove the crust to a baking stone or cookie sheet. (You can get another one going in the skillet at this point.) If you have a lot of cast iron skillets or are making a smaller batch, you could certainly add your favorite toppings and broil right in the skillet.
    Top with sauce, toppings and cheese of your choice.
    Broil 1-3 minutes on high to melt the cheese. (or you can broil for about 5-7 minutes on low.
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