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Serves: 4
Preparation time: 0 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minutes

No cooking time

No cooking time

Like any other cereal quinoa is one of those foods that can be delicious, or it can turn out bland and boring. Here are some tips to elevate the taste of this superfood superstar.


  • 1. Cook it in vegetable broth or less liquid
    2. Add herbs such as thyme, basil, or oregano.
    3. Toast it in oil for a minute or two before you boil it.
    4. Add tiny pieces of garlic or onion.
    5. Sweeten up your quinoa by cooking it like oatmeal.
    6. Add cheese.
    7. Make it into quinoa pudding.
    8. Use quinoa in homemade veggie burgers.
    9. Use quinoa in homemade granola.
    10. Add it to soup.
    11. Let it soak and sprout


  • 1. Cook it in vegetable broth.

    Quinoa on its own can be very bland. If you'd like to add a bit more flavor, cook it in vegetable broth instead of water. This instantly spices up your quinoa in the easiest way possible. also, using less liquid makes the cooked quinoa less mushy. The directions say to make it with one part quinoa, two parts water (so, one cup of quinoa and two cups of water).
    2. Add herbs such as thyme, basil, or oregano.
    Another way to easily and quickly make quinoa taste better without adding other foods is to add herbs and spices such as thyme, salt, and pepper, but you can add whatever you want — basil, oregano, or some red pepper.
    3. Toast it in oil for a minute or two before you boil it.
    Add a tablespoon (or more) of olive oil to the pot on medium heat, then add the quinoa. Let it toast until the quinoa browns but doesn't burn (usually about two to three minutes), then add water
    4. Add tiny pieces of garlic or onion.
    Roast or saute minced garlic, and then add it to your quinoa once it's finished. You could also saute some chopped up onions if you're into that kind of flavor as well.
    5. Sweeten up your quinoa by cooking it like oatmeal.
    Sweet quinoa for breakfast?
    It might be better. Love and Lemons has this terrific quinoa breakfast bowl recipe that is so easy to make and super versatile. Use the recipe as a base, then add whatever fruit and toppings you want.
    This may be a substitute for oatmeal.
    6. Add cheese.
    Adding cheese to quinoa is a way to improve the taste of quinoa. This creamy caprese quinoa bake is the perfect way to add cheese, and make your quinoa so good After eating this, you'll alter your view about quinoa.

    7. Mix quinoa in Mediterranean dishes.

    When most people think of quinoa, they think of it as a boring, healthy side dish with some veggies. But you can do a lot more with it than you think. This recipe
    Mediterranean quinoa with spinach garlic roasted chickpeas red pepper sauce mixes quinoa with mediterranean products to create an good dish.
    8 . Use quinoa in homemade veggie burgers.
    Making your own veggie burgers isn't as hard as you might think, especially when you have an ingredient like quinoa, which is hearty and holds things together.
    9. Use quinoa in homemade granola.
    Quinoa makes for great breakfast food. Try this granola recipe from Naturally Ella .It's baked with almonds and maple syrup for a sweet, crunchy finish that is perfect on top of yogurt.
    10. Add it to soup.
    Quinoa is a favorite grain to add to soups. It's filling and makes soups more hearty without taking over when you're eating a soup. Try this Quinoa with white beans tomatoes and basil can be made in a slow cooker.
    11. Let it soak and sprout.
    Sprouting quinoa? let it sit in water overnight until it forms little sprouts.
    According to Making Thyme For Health, this helps reduce the amount of "phytic acid (or phytates) which is thought to block the absorption of important minerals as well as reduce the digestibility of starches, protein, and fat."
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