serves: 15
1 quart water 1 pound sugar 2
ounces lemon juice
For meringue: 4 ounces sugar 1/4 cup water
4 egg whites 6 ounces champagne
In a medium saucepan, combine
the water, sugar, and lemon juice. Bring to boil. Cool in a mixing bowl. Freeze
in an ice cream maker. When almost set, spoon in the meringue, (see recipe
below) and 3 ounces of Champagne, and continue churning in the ice cream maker
until creamy and set.
Meringue: Boil water and sugar to a
temperature of 230 F to 240 F. Beat egg whites in an electric mixing bowl
until medium firm. Slowly, add the hot sugar while continuing to beat the
whites, and beat until cool. Serve in chilled champagne glasses. Pour
remaining Champagne over sorbet.